From parades to tacky sweater parties to snow formals to Hotty Toddy Holidays, it’s beginning to look a whole lot like Christmas here in Oxford!
I had a blast riding in the Oxford Christmas Parade that ran through the Square. I got out of a final exam at 5, ran home to get ready super quickly, and made it just in time for the parade. It was the perfect study break and a great way to kick off finals week!

My friends and I had our 2nd annual Tacky Christmas Sweater party this weekend, and it was an absolute blast! We had a White Elephant gift exchange, ate some great food, and got to show off our funniest sweaters. Mine had snowmen on it and said, “Chillin’ with my Snowmies!”

Each year I look forward to the Christmas tree lighting on campus, and this year’s Hotty Toddy Holidays did not disappoint. Some of my friends and I got pictures with Santa, drank hot cocoa, and wrote letters to children at Batson Children’s Hospital, Mississippi’s only Children’s Miracle Network Hospital.

I love the Christmas season, and Oxford sure knows how to get everyone in the spirit!